Friday 22 January 2016

End of Modular Self Evaluation - Visual Narrative

1.  Which practical skills and methodologies have you developed within this module and how effectively do you think you are employing them within your own practice?
I have developed skills in storyboarding a direct experience and learnt how to simplify a situation into a limited amount of frames that explain it. I have also learnt how to think about how content can be displayed within different dimensions and what will be most effective for our chosen theme. I’ve developed methods in how I can record experiences and places as a form of research. I’ve also developed methods using sequential images within the same frame that explain movement and action. The final construction of my printed book is a method I have learnt. I’m really pleased with how it came together considering I didn’t use InDesign and figured out the dimensions and folds myself. 

2. Which approaches to research have you found most valuable during this module. How have you interrogated your research to identify appropriate ideas?
The most valuable research during this brief was going to Camelot and experiencing it for myself. My whole project has been based around what I did in that single day out. I really focused my research into the place and its atmosphere and looked at how I could explain it with appropriate images. Drawing from photographs was really helpful as a starting point to get a feel for the aesthetic of the place. Photographing the area was very helpful. It seems obvious but if hadn’t taken as many photos, capturing the atmosphere of the place through drawings would have been impossible. Getting out and about and experience stuff directly has been the key thing by far. The story in my book isn’t exactly complex but its bold and straight to the point (easy to read). I think this is because it really happened to me and I didn’t feel the need to overcomplicate it. I feel that confidence in an idea comes when you experience it personally. This has been an eye opener to ways that we can interpret the world around us. Simple or complex and make it exciting.

3. What strengths can you identify within your submission and how have you capitalised on these? What aspects of your submission are you satisfied with?
I think my strengths in this project have been tackling with the dimensions and structure of the book. I used a concertina structure to benefit my design. I’m pleased with how I made my book work as a continuous scene. And also how I interpreted the characters and story within it. I feel like my strengths also lie in the development of buildings in my book. They came a long way from the observations of Camelot. The process used to exaggerate and abstract the buildings where beneficial to my final outcome. Using media to creating appropriate atmospheres. For example line qualities and colour combinations that express a derelict surrounding, and playful vibrant colours that are suitable for an exaggerated medieval theme park.

4. What areas for further development can you identify within your submission and how will you address these in the future?
I wish I had worked with my design on Photoshop sooner. It was a fairly late decision and but was appropriate for a book being digitally printed. I feel like there were more digital experiments needed in my project. I had to make quick decisions in my final book as time was an issue and I had a print slot booked. If I had given myself more time to experiment digitally I could have made my design better. I feel like my final design drifted off coarse slightly. I am pleased with the end result but looking back at some roughs I haven’t included and mark making or scratchy line quality’s that add to the derelict feel of the area. The final design looks very linear and simplified. What would my design have been like if it had these line qualities?

5. How effectively are you making decisions about the development of your work? 
What strategies informs this decision making? 
I made the decision to construct my book from drawings on Photoshop and apply digital colour. I’m pleased I came to this decision. This gave the colours and line in the book a bold and vibrant printed quality. I think I got slightly distracted by the dimensions and structure of the book. I think occasionally during my projects I should step back and ask myself if it’s going in the direction intended. But then again I think its fun to see how I let the process take over the content I had gained from my research.

6. How effectively have you managed this project and organised yourself during this module? 
I think I managed my day trips effectively. I was organized and went to a range of places to ensure I had good content to work with. I feel have organized my development well and had good ideas where to take the next step. I feel like more thorough reflection in my project would be better, reflecting further back to past experiments and asking myself critical questions about my progress. My time management was organized until the end. I underestimated how much time and perseverance needed to construct and colour an image the size of mine.

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