Thursday 12 November 2015

Study task 1 - Who am I? Why am I here?

  • identify 5 reasons why you chose to study Illustration.
  • Identify 5 reasons why you chose this programme
  • Identify 5 skills that you think are your strengths.
  • Identify 5 things that you want to improve.
  • identify 5 images that demonstrate your interest in illustration

- Im interested in making pictures.
- I enjoy drawing a lot.
- I feel it is most suited to the way I have been working and drawing.
- I think it will be a good way for me to realise how to use my skills in a professional way.
- I feel I have good drawing skills but I want to learn how to draw more things that aren't just from my imagination.

- I did Graphic Design extended diploma last year and the illustration briefs is where my strengths were and I engaged with best.
- It was recommended by tutors, and looked better than any other course I looked at.
- I like the city and know it fairly well and will be a comfortable place for me to work.
- It will be a fast pace course full on coarse but it think thats what I need to stop me being lazy.
- I really enjoyed extended diploma and felt like this was the most suited next step for me, I like how the program last year worked so wanted to carry on at Leeds College of Art.

- Creating images and Drawing.
- Sketching.
- Experimenting with character design and facial features.
- Pattern and line work.
- Being experimental with drawing and drawing tools.

- Digitally enhancing my drawn work.
- Making and retinal final finished work.
- Story telling and giving messages within my images.
- Become more confident with screen printing.
- Making finalised characters not just rough ideas.

Mike Mignola - I love his drawings, I like how he makes all the shadow solid black. The outlines are simple but have so much character, how they are are angular and sharp. This combined with the linear solid black makes  his work very characterful and unique.

The Walking Dead illustration by James Harren - I really like this image. I like the composition and colours I think It creates a nice image. 

Jon Kenn - This is from a book called Sticky Monsters that is all drawn on sticky notes in biro. I really like the line work. I think it suites the monsters really well and creates an unusual atmosphere with the yellow.

Phlegm - I think his work is really interesting, I like his line work and how surreal his creations are. I think the scale of them makes them exciting.

Diana Köhne - I really like the energy in her work. The gesture of her lines give them lots of character and makes them really unique. I like how she abstracts the face.

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