Sunday 15 May 2016

Neist and Wilo

These are two graffiti artist that I found on instagram, they make some really nice work, typography, line quality, pattern and also colour combinations.


This work really stood out to me, I hadn't seen anything quite like it. He has a really nice way of producing letters but his style also translate well into drawing abstract buildings and pattern. I think he draws the ink and pen colours out first and then works the line on top. It has given me ideas to try out some designs where I let the coloured media dictate the shapes of the pattern and then work into it with line and mark making.


I just like the overall line quality of this piece. I think the yellow tones really brings out the quality and character in the shapes and lines. It is also nicely composed how the dense line work sits towards the bottom of the piece and is contained within the yellow square.

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