Sunday 20 May 2018

Buisness Cards

Front 1

Front 2


Here are some business card design ideas - I like the idea of having a different choice of face on the different cards. I think it works too show my skills and emphasise my ability to create different faces. I'm almost tempted to draw my own quick outlines of faces onto each business card - so its like each card has a little original one-off illustration. Stickers is another option for making promotional cards to hand out. The nice thing about a sticker is I think more people are inclined to keep hold of them, if I put contact on stickers it could be a really good way of delivering my contact info to people. The places where I have really felt the needs for having a business cards in my experiences so far has been mainly at exhibitions, and doing other live art projects where I have been speaking to potential clients, spectators and people who generally interested in what I do - I feel like having a business cards / stickers would be a nice physical product for them to go home with, it could give more of an impact - than just showing my insta or giving them my number / email.

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