Sunday 20 May 2018

Interview - Nacho Eterno

I have been a an of nachos work for a couple of years now and have seen ideas develop. I really enjoy his work and have got one of his tattoo design myself. I thought he could be an interesting person to get an interview with if he wasn't too busy. I have already spoke to him briefly about his practice and interests in art when I met him but this would be a more formal opportunity. 

  • What is your favourite type of commissioned work? Eg murals, prints, digital, paintings, tattoos etc...
I like mural work best because it gives me the most freedom.
  • What has been your overall favourite / most rewarding project or singular piece of work you have ever done?
The illustration I did for the New York Times.
  • What has been your most random project to work on? Maybe something you didn't ever expect to be working on?
The socks I did with a brand from Barcelona, I never expected to be designing socks


His answer and short and brief but still informative. It enjoyed getting answers back from him because I have a lot of respect for his work - i'm always interested to hear what he has to say. I tried to find the work he did for the New York Times but I couldn't find it, i'm really intrigued to find this out - I guess it could be his most rewarding piece because of the fact it was published in the New York Times and the amount of exposure it would get him. There is a slight language barrier between us, his english isn't amazing and my Spanish is none existent. So I think this could explain the short answers, and the fact he didn't complete all the questions. He warned me that he may not be able to to fully understand the questions but would give it his best shot. Looking back and reviewing the interview now I wish I could have got more information out of him somehow. Maybe I should have re-designed the questions slightly and made them more appropriate, knowing he would struggle to understand them. I could have maybe done a greater number of shorter questions to get more answers from him.

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