Saturday 13 May 2017

Art Official

  • Art Official is a graffiti shop in leeds, it sells spray paint, all kinds of markers, inks and other equipment. It also displays a lot of local artist work like prints, canvases and T shirts/clothing.
  • A lot of the canvases I produced over summer fit the theme of the shop well so I spoke to the owner about displaying some of my work. I showed him some pics and he was keen for me to have some work in his shop, so I took down a selection of canvas to display in his shop window.

artwork price list...
  • I researched 'Pogger' on my PPP blog last year, He is a local artist and I really appreciate his work and character designs he uses similar media and process to me - its a nice feeling to be selling work next too him. 

Response to my work....
  • Although I haven't sold any of my canvases yet, just having them in the shop has gained me some recognition.
  • This artist on Instagram called 'loxkd' saw my canvas and wanted to try out my techniques in his own way - I like that my work can inspire other artists, its a nice feeling that people are inspired by work and also credit me in the final design.
  • This has made me realise that individuality and uniqueness is something I need to push in my work if this is thing that is getting noticed by people.
  • Having a unique visual identity is one of the key things within my practice - and is what I need to capitalise on.

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