Saturday 13 May 2017

Event Artwork

  • Over summer I got asked if my work could be used for some small bits of event advertising, I gave a picture of one of the canvases I had done to use for some flyers and online adverts- I got payed a really small amount but was still good to have some of my work used.

Halloween event:
  • The same person asked me to produce a flyer design for a halloween event, I charged them more this time because I was creating them a specific themed design from scratch.
  • I showed them a rough sketch of the image to give them an idea of the final - they where happy with it so I made the final poster.

  • I used pro markers to for the colours and then black paint pens for the outlines, I didn't need to print them the flyers I just sent them over a digital copy of the design - they could then add the typography and print out however many they need.

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